Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I WON.......

I've been a lucky girl lately. I won the Farmer's Market sign from Castle & Cottage in January. Love it! 

Then I received an email informing me the I was the winner of the portrait that Meredith & Gwyneth were giving away by the artist, Sue Scoggins! I just finished searching for some pictures of my 15 1/2 year old long haired dachshund, Boogie.  Love the picture Sue did of Gwyneth! Hoping she can capture Boogie from the pictures I sent off. He's always been a little camera shy, turning away from the camera or else he's snoozing. Will share when I receive it. 

Hoping to have a new project to share soon!

gina :)

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  1. Wanna go to Vegas with me? :) I never win stuff!

    Kelly @ View Along the Way
