Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Leathered Table

After seeing "Compulsive in Texas" brown paper countertops I was "inspired".  I decided to update an old Ikea Lack coffee table. Since I completed my table Susan @ "Compulsive in Texas" has done a bathroom floor and stairs too! Check them out!

I'm new to blogging (been following many of you for a long time but this is my first post) so if I'm doing it all wrong please forgive me. Photos are taken with a simple point and shoot so they may be bad as well. But, here goes....

First, I took an old wobbly legged Lack coffee table and repaired the leg. I then ripped up brown paper grocery bags, crumpled the pieces and placed them in a white glue/water mixture and covered the table and legs. After it dried (for days) I then stained it and used some poly to protect it. I really wanted to put upholstery tacks along the edge but the MDF or whatever the table is made of was extremely difficult to nail into. Does it look like leather to you?

Hoping to link to some parties. Keeping my fingers crossed I'm able to.


Linking to:


  1. Oh... Dying to see what this looks like, but your pics are not showing up ??
    Can you try again?? : )
    (we did some walls @ my sons house a few yrs. ago, using this technique... & they turned out awesome.. :)
    Nice to meet you & will look forward to seeing more here... : )

    1. Finally got the pictures to show up. Boy, am I ever a newbie to this!

  2. This project is awesome! This technique is something I might just need to try!! It would be super cool if would come by today to enter my giveaway for a $50 Lowe's gift card and to link up to my very first party!
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

    1. Thanks for the compliment! Would love to see a picture if you try this.

  3. love this idea! I have just the piece to try this on. It really does look like leather in the pics...what kind of stain did you use? thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thanks! I used Minwax in Jacobean. Then sealed with Polycrylic. If I had torn my pieces a little larger I think it would have looked more like leather but I'm happy with it.

  4. What a creative idea Gina! It turned out great. So happy to see you started a blog!
